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MagnifAI for
financial services

MagnifAI simplifies quality assurance for the financial and fintech industry, whether you’re testing a banking app or a website. Improve your QA process and streamline operations with our AI-Companion.

How we can help you

Elevate your financial digital products with AI-powered software testing.

Foster trust

MagnifAI’s advanced AI technology rigorously tests your applications to ensure they are error-free. This gives your customers the confidence to carry out their banking transactions securely.

Seamless brand consistency

MagnifAI performs comprehensive visual tests, guaranteeing your online banking products maintain their look and feel, regardless of the device used. Consistency is key to brand loyalty, and we help you achieve it.

Accessibility for Everyone

Our solution aids in accessibility testing, ensuring that your digital products are user-friendly and accessible to all.

banking & fintech
quality assurance

Smarter testing

Experience smarter testing by unlocking comprehensive test cases powered by advanced AI algorithms. Maximize coverage, minimize time.

Effortless integration

Integrate our solution into your development ecosystem, including CI/CD, version control systems, and test management tools.

Platform agnostic

Our solution works across diverse devices and app formats, offering a versatile approach to software testing of media digital products.

Plug, play, and test

Easily integrate our solution with your existing automation framework via API calls. We're here to meet your team where they are.

Deployment your way

Whether you prefer cloud or on-premise, choose the deployment option that best suits your needs, all while ensuring top-tier security.

Faster error detection

With our shift-left approach, detect errors early in the development process. Deploy with confidence thanks to real-time feedback.

the MagnifAI advantage
for banking & fintech